Applied Earth Sciences | August 2, 2022
The Department of Earth Sciences is delighted to announce that our final year student Mr Yeung Kai Chi, Jason (Geology BSc, class of 2022) was presented with the first runner-up prize in the AGS (HK) Final Year Projects Competition held on July 27, 2022. Jason’s project was supervised by Dr Wong Ngai Yuen, Louis and co-supervised by Mr. Tony So of the Civil Engineering and Development Department, HKSAR Government. The scope was to calculate the volume of landslides using the data acquired in the territory-wide airborne LiDAR surveys conducted in 2010 and 2020. The findings provide insights on how remote sensing technology aids a faster and safer mapping of huge landslide bodies.
The AGS (HK) Final Year Projects Competition 2022 aims at
Congratulations Jason!