
Silica Sinters in Chile

(1) A Study of Silica Sinters in Chile by Remote Sensing and Various Spectroscopy Techniques & (2) An Introduction to Instruments at PSML

  • Date

    November 29,2022

  • Time

    3:30PM - 4:20PM

  • Venue


  • Speaker

    Dr. Rui-Lin CHENG Department of Earth Sciences, HKU

Part (1): Silica sinters are promising astrobiology targets because of their capability to preserve microbial-related textures and biogenic carbonaceous matters. This study aims at providing implications for finding astrobiological targets on Mars from the orbital and onsite spectroscopy perspectives by: (a) compositional remote sensing analysis of the hydrothermal field at El Tatio, Chile; (b) detailed textural, spectral, and chemical analysis of sinters from Chile; and (c) characterization of organic carbon in sinters by Raman.

Part (2): Planetary Spectroscopy & Mineralogy Laboratory (PSML) has many instruments. This part will briefly introduce each instrument.(PI of PSML: Dr. Joseph Michalski; Lab website:

Additional information: Dr. Rui-Lin CHENG,