
Colonizing The Moon: The World’s Campaign to Earth's Closest Neighbour

Colonizing The Moon: The World’s Campaign to Earth's Closest Neighbour

  • Date

    November 21, 2023

  • Time

    3:30PM - 4:00PM

  • Venue


  • Speaker

    Dr. Yuqi QIAN Department of Earth Sciences and Laboratory for Space Research, The University of Hong Kong

The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth and the only celestial planet visited by humans. It is the hottest target in the Solar System. There are 73 missions that have successfully visited the Moon so far, more than the sum of missions to all the other planets. Those missions return tons of data and a total of 383.4 kg of lunar samples, reshaping people’s understanding of how the Moon formed and evolved to today. In this century, lunar exploration has become hotter than all the other time, with newcomers from growing economies and commercial sectors. Lunar exploration is becoming more sustainable and will benefit all humankind by bringing breakthroughs of science and technology, and unlimited resources. This talk will focus on the current status and the future perspectives of lunar explorations and how we solve remaining fundamental lunar scientific questions by exploring the Moon.

Additional information: Dr. Yuqi QIAN,