March 21,2015
Dr. David Leach US Geological Survey,Colorado School of Mines
David Leach worked for the US Geological Survey for more than 30 years and is presently a consultant to the minerals industry. He has authored or coauthored more than 200 papers on the geology and geochemistry of ore deposits and is a recognized expert on sediment-hosted base metal deposits. His career focused on hydrothermal mineral-rock interactions with special interest on Mississippi Valley-type and CD (SEDEX) Pb-Zn deposits, ore formation in metamorphic environments, global metallogeny and deposit targeting using global geodynamics and secular distributions of ore deposits. David Leach also conducted research at the University of Paris VI as a High Level CNRS Visiting Scientist, at the University of Western Australia as a Gledden Research Fellow and is currently active as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Western Australia and Honorary Professor at the Chinese Academy of Geoscience. He served as President of SGA and was a SEG International Exchange Lecturer. He received a Meritorious Service Medal from the United States Department of the Interior and in 2010, received the Penrose Gold Medal from the Society of Economic Geologists.