
Holocene Human-environment Interactions in the Pearl River Delta, Southern China

Holocene Human-environment Interactions in the Pearl River Delta, Southern China

  • Date

    May 10, 2022

  • Time

    3:30PM - 4:00PM

  • Venue

    Zoom only

  • Speaker

    Ms. Hu Yufan Department of Earth Sciences, University of Hong Kong

The Holocene was a period of rapid human rephrase around the world, including two important stages of ancient human development: the Neolithic and the Bronze Age. Environmental changes in the Holocene, especially climatic fluctuations, might have played a role in the expansion and collapse of prehistoric cultural types, the rise and fall of settlement sites, and changes in the intensity of human activities. Archaeological evidence suggests that several advanced prehistoric cultures existed in the Pearl River Delta between 7000 and 2000 years ago. This study aims to reconstruct the archeological culture sequence in conjunction with paleoenvironment data to assess Holocene human-environment interactions in the Pearl River Delta, southern China.

Additional information: Miss Hu Yufan,