
Mechanism of the Pos Selim Landslide

  • Date

    November 17,2014

  • Venue


  • Time


  • Speaker

    Prof. Andrew Malone Department of Earth Sciences, HKU


A massive landslide formed in 2003 at a very high cutting in schist below Gunung Pass in the Cameron Highlands during the course of construction of Malaysia’s second East-West Highway. The landslide is moving at about 1m per year.

This large moving mass is poised above a strategic highway, causing some concern. I became involved in 2005 when asked by the Malaysian government to study the landslide and help find a solution. After initial field and laboratory studies, the research work has relied heavily on remote sensing techniques to monitor landslide movements.    

Having monitored movements for over 10 years it is now possible to define the landslide mechanism. The related evidence and  the significance of the findings will be presented. 

Additional information: Prof. Andrew Malone,