
PacificTectonic erosion at Pacific

  • Date

    December 12, 2018

  • Time


  • Veune


  • Speaker

    Dr. Inna Safonova Senior research scientist, Sobloev Institue of Geology and Mineralogy, SB RAS

Inna Safonova is a Senior Research Scientist at the Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS, Novosibirsk,Russia (since 1991) ( and Head of the LEPOM research group.

She obtained a M.Sc. (1987) from the Novosibirsk State University (Honors), Ph.D. (2005) from the Institute of Geology SB RAS. She is Associate Editor of Gondwana Research, Geoscience Frontiers and Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. Secretary for the International Association for Gondwana Research. Brain Pool Program Researcher in the Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (2010–2012). She is a Scientific Associate at the Centre for Russian and Central EurAsian Mineral Studies (CERCAMS), Natural History Museum, London; Japan Society for Promotion of Science Program Fellowship in the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan (2014–2015). Research fields include Pacific-type orogenic belts, continental growth in Central Asia, ocean plate stratigraphy, igneous geochemistry and petrology, geochronology, mantle plumes. She published over 70 peer-reviewed papers in SCI journals. She was Proposer and Leader of IGCP#592 Project “Continental construction in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt compared with actualistic examples from the western Pacific” sponsored by UNESCO-IUGS
(2012–2016) (