
Remote Sensing: A Modern Tool for Earth and Space Exploration

  • Date

    October 9,2019

  • Time

    5PM - 6PM

  • Venue


  • Speaker

    Dr. Joseph Michalski Department of Earth Sciences, HKU

Remote sensing is a method of acquiring and interpreting images of the Earth or other planets using sensors aboard satellites, planes, or other airborne platforms such as helicopters and drones. These data are extremely powerful for understanding large, complex systems such as vast geological landscapes, marine temperature and circulation, and even large urban environments, such as Hong Kong. Furthermore, it is often the only means of studying distant worlds, such as the Moon, Mars and other planets. Dr Joseph Michalski, Associate Professor, Department of Earth Sciences at The University of Hong Kong, is a geologist and planetary scientist who operates the HKU’s Planetary Spectroscopy & Mineralogy Laboratory. In this talk, he will describe how remote sensing technologies are woven into applied Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences at HKU and beyond.