
Structural and metamorphic evolution of Permian migmatites in Kalasu area, North Western China

  • Date

    June 20,2016

  • Venue


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  • Speaker

    Mr. Arnaud Broussolle ( The department of Earth Sciences, HKU

The CAOB represent a huge accretionary system which has evolve from Neoproterozoic to Triassic. We are
studying a Permian migmatitic zone in Chinese Altai, North Western China. This migmatitic zone is
composed of cordierite, sillimanite and garnet and represent a High T/ Low P metamorphism. Our
structural investigation has shown that prior to the Permian migmatization there was a sub horizontal S1
fabric. The migmatite where possibly emplaced during a strong event with occurrence of upright to
isoclinal F2 folds. The existence of Permian F2 folds in Chinese Altai questioned us about the tectonic
settings in Western CAOB. Could these HT migmatite shed light on the final collision between the Junggar
domain and the Chinese Altai or is it a link to the Tarim mantle Plume as suggested by some authors.
During this Ph.D we will focus on pseudosection modelling as well as monazite dating in order to answer
this question.