
Vertical zonation of intertidal foraminifera, and its utility for sea-level reconstruction in the Pearl River Delta

Vertical zonation of intertidal foraminifera, and its utility for sea-level reconstruction in the Pearl River Delta

  • Date

    January 17,2023

  • Time

    3:30PM - 4:00PM

  • Speaker

    Mr. Kwok Yin YU (Supervisor: Dr. Nicole Khan) Department of Earth Sciences, HKU

Intertidal foraminifera is a powerful tool commonly used for reconstruction of sea level in the past.  Across the intertidal zone, the change in foraminifera assemblage shows a vertical zonation related to changing environmental variable that correspond closely to tidal elevation.  Their vertical zonation allows transfer function techniques that generate high resolution sea-level record to depict sea-level change in the past.

Previous studies in the Pearl River Delta have used diatoms and foraminifera assemblages for relative sea-level (RSL) or paleoenvironmental reconstruction, however, no previous sea-level reconstruction in GBA has used the analogy between modern and fossil samples, and assess the relative utility of it on RSL reconstruction. Here, we investigate the utility of foraminifera zonation to generate high-resolution late Holocene sea-level record from mangrove and mudflat sediments. We compare contemporary foraminifera distribution over the intertidal zone of Deep Bay, Hong Kong, Greater Bay Area, China.  Foraminifera samples were collected at the same times and same sites, and the utility of foraminifera based analogue is studied. 

Additional information: Mr. Kwok Yin YU, Howard,