Global Sustainability & Remote Sensing
Professor, Chair of Global Sustainability Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academic Development)
Email: penggong@hku.hk
Remote sensing, Planetary Geology and Clay Mineralogy
Email: jmichal@hku.hk
Engineering Geology, Rock Mechanics, Underground Engineering
Email: lnywong@hku.hk
Structural Geology, Tectonics and Precambrian Geology
Email: jian@hku.hk
Precambrian Geology & Metamorphic Petrology
Professor, Chair of Earth Sciences
Email: gzhao@hku.hk
Formation and Dynamics of Planetary Systems
Assoicate Professor
Email: mhlee@hku.hk
Sedimentary Geology, Earth Systems Evolution
Associate Professor
Email: ryan00@hku.hk
Planetary and Geospace Environment, Space Plasma Physics
Associate Professor
Associate Professor, by courtesy, Department of Physics
Email: binzh@hku.hk
Coastal processes, Sea-level change, Environmental change & Climate change
Assistant Professor
Email: nskhan@hku.hk
Igneous Petrology, Volcanology, Geochemistry
Assistant Professor/Museum Curator
Email: weiranli@hku.hk
Seismic interferometry, Marine & urban seismology, Geophysics
Assistant Professor
Email: liuxine@hku.hk
The geology of early Mars, Reflectance spectroscopy
Research Assistant Professor
Email: jcliu01@ hku.hk
Space physics & planetary science
Research Assistant Professor
Email: cjjvince@hku.hk
Hydrogeology, Hydrology, Limnology, Oceanography & Biogeochemistry
Research Assistant Professor
Email: xinluo@hku.hk
Secular changes in sedimentary systems
Research Assistant Professor
Email: nordsvan@hku.hk
Isotope geochemistry, Oceanography, Paleoceanography and Plastic pullution
Senior Lecturer
Email: cnot@hku.hk