Prof. Lemke, Kono


Prof. Lemke, Kono

Associate Professor

Research in our lab involves development of FT-MS and IR spectroscopic techniques and their application to problems in physical geochemistry and ore fluid processes in particular. Our interests currently include the use of IR lasers for multiphoton dissociation (IRMPD) measurements of solvated ion clusters. The experimental set-up includes a modified Bruker FT-MS facility and Nd:YAG pumped OPO/OPA laser system that delivers tunable infrared radiation in the mid IR range. This set up is used to carry out FT-MS and IRMPD experiments on small ion clusters and related materials with a focus on the structure of ion core and the configuration of the solvation shell surrounding the solute. We also complement our experiments with DFT and ab initio calculations to better understand the structures and properties of these molecular clusters.


Vordiplom TU Berlin, 1995, M.Sc. University of Bristol, 1998, Ph.D. Stanford University, 2003; Postdoctoral study in Physical Geochemistry, ETH-Zürich, 2004-2008

PhD openings:
2241 5474
2517 6912
Metals in Nanodroplets


EASC2401     Fluid/solid interactions in earth processes
CCST9018     Origin and Evolution of Life
CCGL9033     Weapons of Mass Destruction: Science, Proliferation and Terrorism
GRSC6009     Research Ethics for Graduate Students

Selected Publications

  1. K.H. Lemke and T.M Seward (2018) Molecular clusters and solvation in volcanic and hydrothermal vapors. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 84, 57.
  2. K.H. Lemke (2017) Structure and binding energy of the H2S dimer at the CCSD(T) complete basis set limit.  Journal of Chemical Physics, 146, 234301, doi: 10.1063/1.4985094
  3. A. Stefansson, K.H. Lemke, P. Benezeth and J. Schott (2017) Magnesium bicarbonate and carbonate interactions in aqueous solutions: An infrared spectroscopic and quantum chemical study. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 198, 271, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2016.10.032.
  4. K.H. Lemke (2014). Structures and thermodynamic properties of (C2H6)n (n=2-8) by M06-2X and DFT-D theory: Implications for Titan's atmospheric chemistry. Chemical Physics Letters, 601, 194, doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2014.03.051.
  5. K.H. Lemke (2014). Gold Chloride Clusters with Au (III) and Au (I) probed by FT-ICR mass spectrometry and MP2 theory. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 16, 7813, doi:10.1039/c3cp55109a.