Prof. Li, Weiran

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Prof. Li, Weiran 

Assistant Professor/Museum Curator

Weiran (aka Alex) studies magmatism and volatile cycling on Earth using petrology, geochemistry, and thermodynamics-kinetics modelling. She is particularly interested in volcanic eruption mechanisms and hazards, subduction-zone magmatism, mantle geochemistry, diffusion chronometry and geochronology, and hydrothermal ore deposit formation. She has worked intensively on volatiles (C-H-S-F-Cl), major elements, and trace elements (including rare earth elements) in volcanic rocks and minerals. 

Weiran welcomes self-motivated postgraduate students, RAs, and postdocs to join her group. Feel free to email her for more information. 

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Selected Publications

  1. Bernard, O., Li, W., Costa, F. Saunders, S., Itikarai, I., Sindang, M. & Bouvet de Maisonneuve, C (2022). Explosive-effusive-explosive: The role of magma ascent rates and paths in modulating caldera eruptions. Geology. DOI: 10.1130/G50023.1
  2. Yang, Q., Jenkins, S.F., Lerner, G.A., Li, W., Suzuki, T., McLean, D., Derkachev, A.N., Utkin, I.V., Wei, H., Xu, J. and Pan, B. (2021) The Millennium Eruption of Changbaishan Tianchi Volcano is VEI 6, not 7. Bulletin of Volcanology 83, 74. DOI: 10.1007/s00445-021-01487-8
  3. Li, W., Costa, F. & Nagashima, K. (2021) Apatite crystals reveal melt volatile budgets and magma storage depths at Merapi volcano, Indonesia. Journal of Petrology egaa100. DOI: 10.1093/petrology/egaa100
  4. Li, W. & Costa, F. (2020) A thermodynamic model for F-Cl-OH partitioning between apatite and melt including non-ideal mixing and applications to constraining melt volatile budgets, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 269, 203–222. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2019.10.035
  5. Li, W., Chakraborty, S., Nagashima, K., & Costa, F. (2020) Multicomponent diffusion of F, Cl, OH in apatite with application to magma ascent rates. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 550, 116545. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116545