Prof. Michalski, Joseph

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Prof. Michalski, Joseph


I am currently offering opportunities for postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers to work on exciting research in Astrobiology and Planetary Science. Projects can be remote sensing based or laboratory based (or a combination of both). Our team is primarily focused on the following exciting topics: 1) exploration of lakes and seas on Mars, 2) martian volcanism and volcano-tectonics, 3) martian climate change and global weathering trends, and 4) landing site selection for future missions such as Tianwen-3. Our team is also exploring lunar volcanism through remote sensing and analysis of returned samples.

At HKU, I operate the Planetary Spectroscopy and Mineralogy Laboratory (PSML), which is designed to characterize the mineralogy of rocks, minerals and planetary materials from the sub-micrometer scale, to millimeter scales, hand sample scales, and on to remote sensing spatial scales.

If you are looking for graduate school or postdoc opportunities and want to join a hardworking, friendly team of colleagues, please get in touch. 
Scholarships are not mandatory, but may be available for excellent students. These competitive, but well paid scholarships require early applications, so please pay attention to the published dates and deadlines. Prospective postdocs may consider the Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowship scheme.

3917 1452


CCST9067  Leaving Earth: Our Future in Space

EASC2408  Planetary Geology

EASC3403 Sedimentary Environments
EASC3405  Environmental Remote Sensing

EASC6006  Geology of Mars

Selected Publications

  1. Michalski, J. R., T. A. Goudge, S. Crowe, J. Cuadros, J. Mustard and S. Stewart Johnson (2022), Geological diversity and microbiological potential of lakes on Mars, Nature Astronomy.  6, 1133–1141.
  2. Liu,, J. J. R. Michalski, W. Tan, H. He, L. Xiao, B. Ye (2021), Anoxic chemical weathering under a reducing greenhouse on early Mars, Nature Astronomy.   [led by PhD student]
  3. Michalski, J. R. T.C. Onstott, S. J. Mojzsis, J. Mustard, Q. chan, P. B. Niles, and S. Stewart Johnson (2018), The Martian subsurface as a potential window into the origin of life, Nature Geoscience. doi:10.1038/s41561-017-0015-2
  4. Michalski, J. R., E. Z. Noe Dobrea, P. B. Niles and J. Cuadros (2017). Hydrothermal seafloor deposits in Eridania basin on Mars, Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/NCOMMS15978
  5. Michalski, J. R.* and J.E. Bleacher (2013), Supervolcanoes within an ancient volcanic province in Arabia Terra, Mars, Nature, 502, 47-52. [link]