Dr. Cui, Xing

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Dr. Cui, Xing

Postdoctoral Fellow

I specialize in the study of geodynamics within orogenic belts involving their formation and evolutionary history. My research primarily utilizes petrological, geochronological, geochemical, and isotopic methods to examine magmatic activities. Recently, my interests have shifted towards the early Earth, with a focus on tectonics, environment, and the origin of life. My current research is centered around the recycling of nutrient elements like carbon, phosphorus, and trace metals throughout Earth's history. 

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Selected Publications

  1. Cui, X., Cawood, P.A., Sun, M., Zhao, G. 2024, Recognizing big mantle wedges in deep time: Constraints from the Western Mongolia Collage in Central Asia: Geology, v. XX,p. XXX–XXX.
  2. Cui, X., Sun, M., Zhao, G., Zhang, Y., Yao, J., 2021. Two-Stage Mafic-Felsic Magma Interactions and Related Magma Chamber Processes in the Arc Setting: An Example from the Enclave-Bearing Calc-alkaline Plutons, Chinese Altai. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 22(12), e2021GC009939.
  3. Cui, X., Sun, M., Zhao, G., Yao, J., Zhang, Y., Han, Y., 2022. An early Paleozoic active continental margin basin along the southern Chinese Altai: Evidence from high-grade paragneisses in the Fuyun region. American Journal of Science 322, p.190-224.
  4. Cui, X., Sun, M., Zhao, G., Yao, J., Zhang, Y., Han, Y., Dai, L., 2020. A Devonian arc–back-arc basin system in the southern Chinese Altai: Constraints from geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data for meta-basaltic rocks. Lithos 366–367, p.105540.
  5. Cui, X., Sun, M., Zhao, G., 2022. Syn-orogenic A-type granites and post-collisional I-type granites in the southern Chinese Altai: Petrogenesis and implications for granite classification. Gondwana Research 111, p.20-34.