Dr. Wang, Xiangsong

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Dr. Wang, Xiangsong

Postdoctoral Fellow

My previous works focused on geochemistry and tectonic studies, employing multi-disciplinary approaches such as non-traditional stable isotope analysis, phase equilibrium modeling, and large geochemical data analysis to investigate the tectonic, metallogenic, and environmental evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Currently, my work is directed towards understanding the geological processes on Mercury and Moon, utilizing remote sensing data from spacecraft missions.

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Selected Publications

  1. Wang, X.S., Sun, M., Cai, K.D., Zhao, G.C., Xiao, W.J., Xia, X.P., Li, P.F., 2023. Crustal recycling and growth via mélange diapir in subduction zones: Insights from two episodes of magmatism in the Northern Yili Block, NW China. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 10.1130/b36447.1.
  2. Wang, X.S., Sun, M., Weinberg, R.F., Cai, K.D., Zhao, G.C., Xia, X.P., Li, P.F., Liu, X.J., 2022. Adakite generation as a result of fluid-fluxed melting at normal lower crustal pressures. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 594. 10.1016/j.epsl.2022.117744.
  3. Wang, X.S., Cai, K.D., Sun, M., Zhao, G.C., Xiao, W.J., Xia, X.P., 2020. Evolution of Late Paleozoic Magmatic Arc in the Yili Block, NW China: Implications for Oroclinal Bending in the Western Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Tectonics 39. 10.1029/2019tc005822.
  4. Wang, X.S., Cai, K.D., Sun, M., Xiao, W.J., Xia, X.P., Wan, B., Bao, Z.H., Wang, Y.N., 2018. Two contrasting late Paleozoic magmatic episodes in the northwestern Chinese Tianshan Belt, NW China: Implication for tectonic transition from plate convergence to intra-plate adjustment during accretionary orogenesis. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 153, 118-138.
  5. Wang, X.S., Sun, M., Li, P.F., Cai, K.D., Zhao, G.C., Xia, X.P., Liu, X.J., Li, Z.L., Luo, Y., Graham Pearson, D., 2022. Magmatic response to arc-arc amalgamation: Insights from latest Paleozoic igneous rocks from the Gangou section of the Eastern Tianshan. Gondwana Res. 109, 134-149.