Our graduate studies include course-based learning that supplements the research work students conduct for their projects. The details of our current projects as well as the new ones that are now open for applications can be found on the profile pages of our faculty members (See ‘People’ section).
Tectonics, structural geology, sedimentary geology, palaeontology, palaeomagnetics, micropalaeontology.
Contact Person: Dr A.A.G. Webb (Email: aagwebb@hku.hk)
Ophiolite, igneous and metamorphic petrology, geochemistry, volcanology, isotope geochronology.
Contact Person: Professor M. Sun (Email: minsun@hku.hk)
Hydrogeology, engineering geology.
Contact Person: Professor J.J.J. Jiao (Email: jjiao@hku.hk)
Engineering geology, rock mechanics, underground engineering, remote sensing, artificial intelligence.
Contact Person: Dr. Louis Wong (Email: lnywong@hku.hk)
Dynamics and formation of planetary and satellite systems.
Contact Person: Dr M.H. Lee (Email: mhlee@hku.hk)
Global change, monsoon climate, sea level change, quaternary geology, coastal management, natural and technological hazards.
Contact Person: Professor Z.H. Liu (Email: zhliu@hku.hk)
The origin, evolution and habitability of life on Earth and elsewhere in the universe.
Contact Person: Dr Y.L. Li (Email: yiliang@hku.hk)